Sacred Geography Erecting prayer flags at the heart of Lake Nam Tsho Frozen straits, ancient remains Mount Tise from the middle of Lake La Ngak The vastness of the northern Chang thang Walking to Horse Saddle The fiery red cliffs of the Three Defenders The Zhang Zhung mountain and lake of Tang Gung and Mating Tingmo A village on the sacred Lake Dangra Father Targo and Mother Dangra Tise, Asia’s holiest mountain Semo Do, the biggest island in Lake Nam Tsho The defile of Chuti, Guge The heart of Zhang Zhung’s Warrior Queen The left eye of the goddess Dangra Lekyi Wangmoche Father Thanglha and Mother Nam Tsho En route to the Yellow Island Pelzimphuk Monastery The islands of Lake Darok Crossing a huge expanse of ice with upwards of 300 m of water below A shrine for the goddess of Lake Mapang