Tibet Archaeology

and all things Tibetan

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March 2016

Welcome to Flight of the Khyung as we take in the most ancient bronzes of Tibet! This month’s newsletter presents the second part of an article on the art…

January 2016

research and exploration in Spiti, they freely shared their own findings with me. Without their active assistance, the writing of this month’s newsletter would not have been possible. Over the…

May 2015

…corner of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. This newsletter and others to follow will explore the early culture and history of Spiti. Until now, very little has been written…

May 2013

…BMC Biology, vol. 6 (no. 45). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2605740/?tool=pubmed This study reconstructs the phylogeography of the D-M174 patrilineage, which defines a sub-haplogroup shared primarily by today’s Tibetans, Japanese and Andaman islanders. The…

About the Author

…National Endowment for the Humanities Rubin Museum of Art shared grant (New York City) 2000: Philadelphia Theravadin Meditation Center (Philadelphia, PA) 2001, 1998: Spalding Trust (Stowmarket, UK) 1998, 1997: Shang…

April 2009

…Kashmiri handicrafts have sought markets elsewhere in India. In the last decade, there has been a proliferation in the numbers of shops run by Kashmiris in Upper Dharamsala. Their participation…

October 2010

…and a white patch on the rump, is likely to have extended into lower elevation regions of Upper Tibet as well. We can infer that colder and drier conditions and…


Pradesh, as well as sLe-mi, Mu-gu, Dol-po and ’Om-lo, in Nepal, shared very close cultural affinities with Zhang-zhung. Western delimitation: Ru-thog to the border with La-dwags. Gu-ge to the border…

May 2010

today. Four people soon showed up. To cross the river one needs rings to hook to the cable (only one cable is used) a wooden harness to ride in and…

June 2014

…the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau”, in International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), published online, April 13, 2013. This is an overview study of Changthang lakes, providing rates of shrinkage and other general data….

February 2015

…Tibet’s ancient cultural heritage and of value to archaeologists and cultural historians. The second article in this newsletter reviews a recently published article on the origins of agriculture in Tibet…

December 2013

…difficult to transport large numbers of ceramics over the Himalaya. As noted in last month’s newsletter, the evidence generally indicates that these regions shared certain cultural customs and traditions in common….

March 2007

Sitting and Running The expedition season is set to start. Soon I shall turn my attention to logistical organization, negotiations, and the challenges and joys of living on the…

November 2007

…went months at a time without even uttering a word of English. I lived in new worlds and among new people, as ancient as they may be. I landed back…

February 2009

…entertained his nephew and I. Mr. Nawaz Lal was a minister in the Provincial government during Zulfirkar Ali Butto’s rule of Pakistan. For most of the day, Mr. Nawaz shared…

August 2013

…this newsletter since its inception. Let me also take this occasion to greet those who might be new to this online publication. May you find something of interest among its…

November 2013

…of the same size and shape. Turquoise beads of this type and size are still made for the Tibetan market today. Not only does this discovery confirm that turquoise has…

September 2012

…that, as regards Eternal Bon usage, it is not relevant to search for the semantic roots of the verb and noun bon in Dunhuang documents. The historical linguistic continuity in…

February 2017

blanketed in rubble, much of which appears to have once been an integral part of the complex. There are no signs of contemporary usage of the archaeological site. Approximately 100…


…and farmers The search for well-being through the ages Today’s shaman successors to the adepts of Zhang Zhung Prologue Bibliography Index 2013 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse…

January 2013

…other specialists to share their knowledge and ideas about the Khardong sculpture. There is always room in this newsletter for the informed contributions of others. Lucky but different: Non-standard auspicious…

July 2015

…of the early cultural history of Spiti through its pictorial record complements articles in the May and June newsletters. On the Spiti Antiquities Expedition (May and June of this year),…

Newsletter Archive

A monthly newsletter dedicated to Tibetan archaeology, Tibetan cultural history, Tibetan art history, Tibetan spirit-mediums, the Bon religion, Tibetological conferences, and personal expeditionary activities and journal entries, as well…

August 2012

This month’s newsletter is dedicated to tigers, that fearsome carnivore of eastern Eurasia. These creatures are part of the cultural and artistic heritage of many peoples in the region….

March 2014

…the Chinese Cultural Revolution. There will be more on the ancient fastholds of Lake Dangra in next month’s Flight of the Khyung. There are no other major ruins visible in…

November 2016

…the Himalayan Art Resources website (http://www.himalayanart.org), under the behest of Donald Rubin, a longtime benefactor of my research work. It appears under the following URL: http://www.himalayanart.org/search/set.cfm?setID=3108. However, the formatting of…

May 2014

Greetings and get ready for another Flight of the Khyung! This month’s newsletter has four features ranging from ancient glories to contemporary threats, taking you far and wide. The…

October 2017

valleys, as it does today, crossing a string of smaller passes). This route facilitated exchanges of many kinds in the second millennium CE, but earlier usage is indicated by the…

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